Pounds and Euros

When you go to a shop or to a restaurant you need money.

This is the map of the European Union and the actual currencies in each country:

  • You use EUROS in Spain or in Italy.
By Verdy_p (complete construction and vectorisation, based on mathematical properties of the symbol, and not drawn manually, and then manually edited without using any SVG editor). ([1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

There are 100 cents in 1€.

  • You use POUNDS in the United Kingdom. 
By ScottSteiner (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

These are the notes:
And these are the coins:

There are 100 pence in £1.

Click on the next pictures to visit online leaflets:

Let's play these shopping games:
Title: Shopping Bag
Author: Topmarks.co.uk
Last watched on November, 3, 2016 

Title: Igloo Shopping
Author: BBC.co.uk/bitesize
Last watched on November, 3, 2016 

Teacher Salva


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